giovedì 2 ottobre 2008

Staplebound books price increase -order before Oct.28th to save...

Lulu, the main print-on-demand provider used by Ganesha Games, is changing the way they price their print books. Smaller books will become cheaper and large books (like our books which are all A4 size) will become more expensive.

I'll have to reformat the books to 8,5 x 11 and have them perfect-bound as the staplebound option now becomes more expensive. I think this has to do with the way they purchase paper (basically a staplebound A4 book is composed of A3 sheets folded in half with staples across the fold)

Having the books in 8,5 x 11 will also make it easier for me to find another source of print on demand should I decide to move my business off Lulu.

The coilbound option will be at least $2+ more expensive, so if you really want an A4 staplebound book or a coilbound book, I suggest you order it now from The new prices will be effective on October 28th. Remember that Lulu takes around a week to fulfill an order.

Ganesha's profit on the books will remain the same, barring minimal adjustments based on the euro/dollar exchange rates used by lulu. The new prices will reflect only different printing costs.

Thanks. Sorry for the hassle but we live in a ever-changing world.